Family Directory Form

To add or update your family information for our church directory, please enter your personal information as the primary contact for your household, then enter each household member’s information below. Please include at least one family photo and individual photos for our church directory. If you wish to exclude any information in the church directory (note: the directory is not public, it is only seen by church members on our secure app), please check the boxes below the form. Note: birth dates will not be shared in the Directory.

Family Members

Include your spouse and/or any children living in the same household. Note: birth dates will not be shared in the church directory.

Family and Individual Photos

Please add at least one family photo and, optionally, one photo of each individual member of the family here. Photos must be an image file (such as .jpg, .jpeg, .tiff, .png, .gif) with a maximum size of 6MB each.

Items To Exclude from the Church Directory

If you prefer not to share some information on the church directory (a private directory only for our church members), please select one or more items from the list below. Any items chosen not to share will only be seen by our pastors/staff for communication/donation purposes.